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Trick or Treat

"I write to you, young people, because you are strong, the teaching of God lives in you, and you have defeated the Evil One." 1 John 2:14b

Do you want a Trick or Treat this Halloween? Don't let Satan Trick you as he will try to keep you from knowing Jesus. He'll tell you being a Christian isn't fun, it's hard work, and this life is all there is.

If you want a Treat, except Jesus into your life, heart, and mind and this Treat will last forever. Jesus loves you more than you can imagine. The Bible tells us that all who believe in Jesus are saved and will have eternal life. In the whole world there is no Treat bigger than God's Love!

"Youth in the Spotlight" is Maya Newkirk. Maya is a Freshman at Olathe North West High School. She is in the 21st Century Program of Animation and Graphic Art. Art is her favorite subject, she is an amazing artist! Her art has been chosen to be displayed at the OSD's Administration building. Maya is the youngest of 2 brothers and 1 sister. Her favorite food is PB&J, especially from Panera's. Maya collects "duck" things, she has a real pet duck named "Quackers". Also, she has two pet parakeets, "Twitter" and "Tweet". Besides being talented in art, she plays the piano and the violin beautifully. In her free time she likes to read Graphic or Fantasy Novels and get together with her friends. Maya doesn't play any sports, but enjoys watching them with her dad. She has been a Girl Scout for many years. I wonder how many cookies she has sold? I had the pleasure of baptizing Maya a few years ago, what an honor and we get to watch her grow in this commitment to live for Jesus. Maya is a beautiful, sweet, Christian lady. Jesus is an important part of her life. She knows He is always with her. Her advice to other Youth is, "Youth Group isn't scary, we have fun and have mature Bible Study, sharing and growing in our walk with Jesus". Maya is a quiet Christian, whose love for the Lord is very obvious as she uses her many talents to let others see Jesus in her and makes the world a beautiful place.

"Treat" yourself and join in with other Youth for Sunday School 9:30-10:15, Worship at 10:30, Youth Group 5:30-7:00 (a light meal is served). Fun, Fellowship, Friends, and Food! We just need you! Questions: Call or Text Mr. Shawn (913) 523-5861 or Ms. Debby (913) 271-7072.

Blessings and Prayers for all,

Ms. Debby

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