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D and J Groups....

because we have a passionate commitment to a cause...

                        the cause of making disciples of Jesus!



Each week the group will gather to discuss the scripture from the pastor's sermon.  The focus of the scripture discussion will be application of God's Word, integrating His personal message and His friendship into our everyday living.  Hearing the sermon is recommended but not  essential as the emphasis of discussion will be the scripture.


Contact Jan Sipe for more information.



Groups will develop spiritual friendships and build unity in the congregation.  As we share our everyday lives with each other in groups, we  learn to care for each other's needs. We become spiritual friends. 



As we learn and meet the needs of our group friends, we will also look outward to our community.  Each participant will be challenged to engage in spiritual friendships with a couple acquaintances, friends, or family members who may not have developed a spiritual friendship with God or others. 

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