Murrow Indian’s Children Home | Muskogee, OK
For more than 100 years, the Murrow Indian Children's Home has provided a safe, home environment for Native American children from Oklahoma tribes.
Through contracts with tribal and state governments Native children are placed there who either orphaned or are deprived of normal family care for various reasons.
FBCO supports Murrow through assisting with maintenance and repair, supplies, etc. Over the years we have had small group serve for a few days. Let the office know if you are interested in going this year.
Mission Trips to Murrow
2021 Mission Trip to Murrow Indian Children's Home
Note from Ms. Debby.
Paul and Morna Wood, Charles and Debby White and Deb Ruse began work at Murrow Indian Children's Home in Muskogee, early Monday morning. During the week we did yard work, plumbing, weatherstripping, cleaning, window repair, tree trimming, organizing the gift shop, mowed, raked, weeded, mechanical and electrical work, installed a vanity and faucet, and replaced light fixtures and bulbs, (when the lights came on we sang the "Hallelujah Chorus"! The kids loved it!). Do you know how many Baptists it takes to change a light bulb? (5 adults and 5 children!)
Just as the facilities needed our attention, so did the children. They wanted to help, to please and to be with us. Each child became entwined in our hearts. To think of the environment these children came from, we still felt hope of how resilient these children are. We pray that with the care of Murrow and the love of God, they will overcome the life they came from.
It wasn't the beautiful patch of God's creation that blessed us or inspired us to get up and work the next day. It was the joy of serving, of working with such dedicated, fun, caring friends from our faith family and the smiles and energy of the children who were so eager to help, to feel needed and to feel important. They were on our front porch before breakfast.
It was hot,for sure, but when you are doing God's work, He provides the cool breezes at just the right time. We pray you will put this trip on your bucket list and join us next time. We need you and so do the children.

Previous Trips