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Did you make a New Year's Resolution?

Debby White

FBC Youth - Praying 2021 is an abundantly blessed New Year for you!

"Where is the child who has been born King of the Jews? For we observed His star at its rising and have come to pay Him homage". Matthew 2:2

Jesus came to give us life to the fullest. Jesus is all about making us anew. Did you make New Year Resolutions? Who or what are you following to make Jesus as important to you as you are to Him?

Reba McIntire sings a song that challenges us to be as WISE as the Shepherds and the Wise Men. "They followed their hearts, followed the star, let us be that WISE".

When the Shepherds, (in the Gospel of Luke), heard the Angel of the Lord announce the Good News of Jesus' birth, they didn't run and hide, they listened and acted on their beliefs. They quickly departed leaving their livelihood behind to find the Savior. I pray we can be like those Shepherds

· to live in such obedience,

· step past our fears,

· be ready to witness new life in the glory of Christ.

How is Jesus calling you to move beyond your fears?

Every year on January 6, some cultures celebrate "Epiphany" the day the Wise Men, (in the Gospel of Matthew), visited Jesus. "Epiphany" is a Greek word meaning "appearance". Epiphany is 12 days after Christmas, Here again we read that the Wise Men left everything, their home, their status, etc. because they saw the brightest star they had ever seen. The Wise Men knew they must follow it. It would lead them to something amazing.

I have always marveled how they dropped everything to follow a star. Why? Would we today? The Wise Men brought gifts, but in all their wisdom they overlooked the one gift that would make Jesus the happiest, the gift of themselves. Jesus wants YOU-not just for a visit, but for a lifetime!

My Prayer for you: Thank you for those among us who are willing to take a risk to have Jesus in their life. Give us the courage to follow their example. Help us to listen to hear your Will for us and to recognize your Star and have the Faith to follow it. Thank you for protecting us, encouraging us, and providing for us, as we choose the path to you, our Savior. The Beginning and the End, the only One who can take our ordinary lives and make an extraordinary difference. I pray this New Year we will find Jesus, give ourselves to Him, and share and live His Good News. Amen

This New Year decide to draw near to Jesus and the newness He offers. See, feel, and hear what He does!

Join in the Youth Group On-line, Sunday evenings at 5:30. Blessings to you.

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