by Jan Sipe
We were singing along with the movie! I was surprised, Neither of us are musical. We were not being silly. We found something we'd been missing.
It's been a curious year. We've been hunkered together, just immediate family, and I do mean immediate. A small pod, as it's called now, and we limit the exposure time.
For two hospitable people, this season has been a challenge. Singing spontaneously together was very comforting.
Connection. God made us to connect with Him and with each other.
I'm reaching out to anyone who'd enjoy just a few minutes of friendly chit chat and interaction with one another. I'm hosting a short Zoom pop up group. Get acquainted. Be inspired. Discuss a bit of scripture.
Interested? Complete the connect card on the FBC Olathe website. Here's the link:
I'll need your email to send the Zoom invite for Tuesday at 10 am. Can;t make that time? Let me know and we'll do another "COAT" group at a different time.
If you join me, I'll share the song and movie that inspired our songfest!