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Debby White


I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so you may know what is the hope of His calling...Ephesians 1:18a

The hope we feel is just not a feeling that the future will be positive, it is a complete assurance of certain victory through God.

I think back to our Forefathers as they put their trust and hope into God, that American lives could be better or as Francis Scott Key was writing the Star-Spangled Banner, the American flag waved freely, displaying hope and freedom. Whatever battle or celebration we are going through we know God is there, with the "immeasurable greatness of His power".

As we celebrate this 4th of July, what are some memories of your favorite 4th? Mine is watching the beautiful display of bright and colorful lights spraying across the dark sky, with family by my side. After the fireworks we would have homemade ice cream. I think it tasted better the years we took turns hand churning the ice cream bucket's crank, then when we started using the electric ice cream maker. Yummy, either way!

As we watch the fireworks and eat ice cream or apple pie, do we remember to thank God for His "limitless power"? Vance Havner writes, "When we get to a place where it can't be done unless God does it, God will do it!" God will handle everything!

So this 4th, as Christians we can celebrate our freedom to worship, our hope to believe in God, and our joy through the Good News of Jesus Christ. Let's remember to celebrate each day for what it is, a priceless gift from God.

Today, let us celebrate life, share the Good News, put smiles on our faces, kind words on our lips, and songs in our hearts. Let us be generous with our praise and free with our encouragement, inviting others to do the same. Everyday should be a cause for celebration. Let God love you! Happy 4th of July. God bless you!

See you in Worship and at Youth Group on Sundays. Watch for announcements about special outings.

Prayers to Zach, Max, and Dylan who are going to Ottawa Camp, July 12-16 and to Elizabeth, Alex, Courtney, and Joseph who are going on family vacations. Our thoughts and prayers go with you.

Love ya, Ms. Debby

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